Notification > KakaoTalk Bizmessage > Sender > API v2.1 Guide

Overview of v2.1 API

What's the diffrence

  1. Added dormant, block on Inquire of Senders

[API Domain]



Query Sender by Category



GET  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/sender/categories
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.


  "header" : {
      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
  "categories" : [
      "parentCode" : String,
      "depth" : Integer,
      "code" : String,
      "name" : String,
      "subCategories" : [
        "parentCode" : String,
        "depth" : Integer,
        "code" : String,
        "name" : String,
        "subCategories" : [
            "parentCode" : String,
            "depth" : Integer,
            "code" : String,
            "name" : String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
categories Object Category
- parentCode String Parent code
- depth Integer Depth of category
- code String Category code
- name String Category name
- subCategories Object Sub-category
-- parentCode String Parent code
-- depth Integer Depth of category
-- code String Category code
-- name String Category name
-- subCategories Object Sub-category
--- parentCode String Parent code
--- depth Integer Depth of category
--- code String Category code
--- name String Category name

Register Senders



POST  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/senders
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request Body]

  "plusFriendId" : String,
  "phoneNo" : String,
  "categoryCode" : String
Value Type Required Description
plusFriendId String O PlusFriend ID(up to 30 characters)
phoneNo String O Mobile number of administrator(up to 15 characters)
categoryCode String O Category code(11 characters) See response for Search Category API e.g.) 00100010001 Health(001) - Hospital(0001) - General Hospital(0001)


  "header" : {
    "resultCode" :  Integer,
    "resultMessage" :  String,
    "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not

Authenticate Tokens for Senders



POST  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/sender/token
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Request Body]

  "plusFriendId" : String,
  "token" : "Integer"
Value Type Required Description
plusFriendId String O PlusFriend ID
token Integer O Authentication token(received on KakaoTalk app, after Register PlusFriend API call)


  "header" : {
    "resultCode" :  Integer,
    "resultMessage" :  String,
    "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not

Delete Sender



DELETE  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/senders/{senderKey}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey
senderKey String Sender key


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.
  • 발신 프로필 삭제 시, 등록한 템플릿 데이터가 함께 삭제 됩니다.
  • 발신 프로필 삭제 시, 복구가 불가능합니다.


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not

Get Sender



GET  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/senders/{senderKey}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey
senderKey String Sender key


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
         "plusFriendId" : String,
         "senderKey" : String,
         "categoryCode" : String,
         "status" : String,
         "statusName" : String,
         "kakaoStatus" : String,
         "kakaoStatusName" : String,
         "kakaoProfileStatus" : String,
         "kakaoProfileStatusName" : String,
         "alimtalk": {  
                "resendAppKey": String,
                "isResend": Boolean,
                "resendSendNo": String,
                "dailyMaxCount" : Integer,
                "sentCount" : Integer
         "friendtalk": {  
                "resendAppKey": String,
                "isResend": Boolean,
                "resendSendNo": String,
                "resendUnsubscribeNo": String,
                "dailyMaxCount" : Integer,
                "sentCount" : Integer
         "dormant": Boolean,
         "block": Boolean,
         "createDate": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
sender Object Sender
- plusFriendId String PlusFriend ID
- senderKey String Sender key
- categoryCode String Category code
- status String Status code of NHN Cloud PlusFriend(YSC02: Ready for registeration, YSC03: Normally registered)
- statusName String Status name of NHN Cloud PlusFriend(ready for registration, normally registered)
- kakaoStatus String Status code of Kakao PlusFriend(A: Normal, S: Blocked) kakaoStatus is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoStatusName String Status name of Kakao PlusFriend(normal, blocked) kakaoStatusName is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoProfileStatus String Status code of Kakao PlusFriend profile(A: Activated, B: Blocked, C: Deactivated, D:Deleted, E: Deleting) kakaoProfileStatus is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoProfileStatusName String Status name of Kakao PlusFriend profile(Activated, Deactivated, Blocked, Deleted, or Deleting) kakaoProfileStatusName is null if the status is YSC02.
- alimtalk Object AlimTalk information
-- resendAppKey String Alternative sms appkey
-- isResend String Whether to send text as alternative, if delivery fails
-- resendSendNo String Sender number for alternative delivery
-- dailyMaxCount Integer Maximum daily AlimTalk delivery count(no limits for 0)
-- sentCount Integer Daily AlimTalk delivery count(no limits for 0)
- friendtalk Object FriendTalk information
-- resendAppKey String Alternative sms appkey
-- isResend String Whether to send text as alternative, if delivery fails
-- resendSendNo String Sender number for alternative delivery
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String 080 unsubscription number for alternative delivery
-- dailyMaxCount Integer 친구톡 일별 최대 발송 건수
(값이 0일 경우 건수 제한없음)
-- sentCount Integer 친구톡 일별 발송 건수
(값이 0일 경우 건수 제한없음)
- dormant Boolean Sender dormant or not
- block Boolean Sender block or not
- createDate String Date and time of registration
totalCount Integer Total count

List Sender



GET  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/senders
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.

[Query parameter] No.1 or 2 is conditionally required

Value Type Required Description
plusFriendId String X PlusFriend ID
senderKey String X Sender key
status String X Status code of PlusFriend(YSC02: Ready for token authenticated, YSC03: Normally registered)
pageNum Integer X page number(Default: 1)
pageSize Integer X page size(Default: 15, Max: 1000)


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
         "plusFriendId" : String,
         "senderKey" : String,
         "categoryCode" : String,
         "status" : String,
         "statusName" : String,
         "kakaoStatus" : String,
         "kakaoStatusName" : String,
         "kakaoProfileStatus" : String,
         "kakaoProfileStatusName" : String,
         "alimtalk": {  
                "resendAppKey": String,
                "isResend": Boolean,
                "resendSendNo": String,
                "dailyMaxCount" : Integer,
                "sentCount" : Integer
         "friendtalk": {  
                "resendAppKey": String,
                "isResend": Boolean,
                "resendSendNo": String,
                "resendUnsubscribeNo": String,
                "dailyMaxCount" : Integer,
                "sentCount" : Integer
         "dormant": Boolean,
         "block": Boolean,
         "createDate": String
   "totalCount": Integer
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
senders List Sender
- plusFriendId String PlusFriend ID
- senderKey String Sender key
- categoryCode String Category code
- status String Status code of NHN Cloud PlusFriend(YSC02: Ready for registeration, YSC03: Normally registered)
- statusName String Status name of NHN Cloud PlusFriend(ready for registration, normally registered)
- kakaoStatus String Status code of Kakao PlusFriend(A: Normal, S: Blocked) kakaoStatus is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoStatusName String Status name of Kakao PlusFriend(normal, blocked) kakaoStatusName is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoProfileStatus String Status code of Kakao PlusFriend profile(A: Activated, B: Blocked, C: Deactivated, D:Deleted, E: Deleting) kakaoProfileStatus is null if the status is YSC02.
- kakaoProfileStatusName String Status name of Kakao PlusFriend profile(Activated, Deactivated, Blocked, Deleted, or Deleting) kakaoProfileStatusName is null if the status is YSC02.
- alimtalk Object AlimTalk information
-- resendAppKey String Alternative sms appkey
-- isResend String Whether to send text as alternative, if delivery fails
-- resendSendNo String Sender number for alternative delivery
-- dailyMaxCount Integer Maximum daily AlimTalk delivery count(no limits for 0)
-- sentCount Integer Daily AlimTalk delivery count(no limits for 0)
- friendtalk Object FriendTalk information
-- resendAppKey String Alternative sms appkey
-- isResend String Whether to send text as alternative, if delivery fails
-- resendSendNo String Sender number for alternative delivery
-- resendUnsubscribeNo String 080 unsubscription number for alternative delivery
-- dailyMaxCount Integer 친구톡 일별 최대 발송 건수
(값이 0일 경우 건수 제한없음)
-- sentCount Integer 친구톡 일별 발송 건수
(값이 0일 경우 건수 제한없음)
- dormant Boolean Sender dormant or not
- block Boolean Sender block or not
- createDate String Date and time of registration
totalCount Integer Total count

Sender group

Get Sender group



GET  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/sender-groups/{groupSenderKey}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey
groupSenderKey String Sender key of Sender group


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
    "senderGroup": {
        "groupName": String,
        "senderKey": String,
        "status": String,
        "senders": [
                "plusFriendId": String,
                "senderKey": String,
                "createDate": String
        "createDate": String,
        "updateDate": String
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not
senderGroup Object Sender group
- groupName String group name
- senderKey String Sender key
- status String Status code of NHN Cloud PlusFriend(YSC02: Ready for registeration, YSC03: Normally registered)
- senders List Sender List
-- plusFriendId String PlusFriend ID
-- senderKey String Sender key
-- createDate String Date and time of registration
- createDate String Date and time of registration
- updateDate String Date and time of modification

Add sender to group



POST  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/sender-groups/{groupSenderKey}/senders/{senderKey}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey
groupSenderKey String Sender key of Sender group
senderKey String Sender key


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.
  • The maximum number of members in a group is 5000.


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not

Delete sender from group



DELETE  /alimtalk/v2.1/appkeys/{appkey}/sender-groups/{groupSenderKey}/senders/{senderKey}
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

[Path parameter]

Value Type Description
appkey String Original appkey
groupSenderKey String Sender key of Sender group
senderKey String Sender key


  "X-Secret-Key": String
Value Type Required Description
X-Secret-Key String O Can be created on console.


      "resultCode" :  Integer,
      "resultMessage" :  String,
      "isSuccessful" :  boolean
Value Type Description
header Object Header area
- resultCode Integer Result code
- resultMessage String Result message
- isSuccessful Boolean Successful or not